Downtown Madison, WI Engagement Session | Ben and Paulina


This session was a blast for me. A close friend from college with the man I watched fall for. Our senior year his name popped up + she mentioned she was going on a date with a guy from church. Next, I’m over at her place with her roommates and they walk out saying they’re going hammocking, or going on one of their many sweet dates. I was positive they were made for one another. 😉 

Ben had gone to Vietnam the summer before and just as they started dating, Paulina was preparing to go to Vietnam that summer. *Fun fact, I went to Vietnam the summer before Ben! I love that all three of us can share that experience, even if it happened in different years! 


SO, just as they were getting used to one another… Paulina left to spend the summer thousands of miles away with very limited communication.


After graduation, Ben landed a job at Garmin in Kansas City, and Paulina landed a job in Iowa City. Once again, distance happened and they had to talk about what the future looked like for them. Apparently they came to the decision that they wanted to spend their lives together and I’m so happy that was the conclusion. 🙂 


I’m thrilled to be the photographer for such a fun loving, Christ-centered, and laid-back couple’s wedding. Always smiling and Paulina, always throwing her head back in laughter. Their wedding is adventure themed with silvers + wine colors. The best!! <3 Their wedding is less than two months away, and we’re so pumped for them! 


Paulina + Ben road tripped to Madison for their engagement session. On my way down there, I was so giddy I got to see Paulina again! She’s one of those friends who is such a joy to be around + always great to catch up with. We had a blast exploring Madison, catching up, and taking photos of this sweet time of their lives. Next up, their wedding day this May. <3


With love,

Ali Leigh